Our body can teach us some important lessons. Our most vital organs, the brain, and the spinal cord, are wrapped inside unyielding bony structures – the skull and the spine. This is how the body protects its most valuable possessions.
But what about our most vital possession – our health? Do we protect our health as tightly as our body protects its valuable possessions with hard, unyielding bone? Today most of us take our health for granted in a way that it has never been before. In the past, our primary job was survival: securing shelter, food, and water for our bodies.
Nowadays our focus is on the demands of family, work, and finances, often leaving too little time to take care of our most valuable possessions – our health. You can have 1000 problems but if you lose your health, you have only one, really big, problem and the other 999 do not seem like problems any longer. Protecting our health should become our No. 1 priority!
The good news is that our body is already equipped with systems that have the power to keep us functioning and healthy without requiring any drastic outside intervention. Think of a seed: you plant it, but you don’t make it grow. Yes, you maintain it because you water it, weed the flower bed, and add some plant food. But the seed itself is equipped with the systems which have the power to make it grow.
So, our main job is to protect our health by doing constant maintenance, thereby enabling the body’s systems to do their job and function optimally. Chiropractors recognize this and it’s their full-time job to protect the spine and the nervous system of their patients.
If you have any questions about the health or alignment of your spine or that of your loved ones, Dr. Erin McLaughlin and Dr. Pierre Paradis are here to help. If you live or work in Kanata and the surrounding area, contact us today or give us a call at (613) 831-9665.