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- 8 Simple Ways to Prevent Stair Accidents at Home
- Sleep Positioning
- Daily Habits for a Calmer Life
- Smart Nutrition Tips for More Whole-Body Wellness
- The Vagus Nerve - What, Why, and How
- Lower back pain is bad enough - why does my leg hurt too?!
- 5 Simple Truths about Chiropractic
- Keep Calm and Stay Hydrated
- Our Body, Our Teacher
- June is International Scoliosis Awareness Month
- Are You Getting Enough Z's For Your Brain?
- Keep your feet on the ground
- Arthritis and Chiropractic
- How Did My Spine End Up Like This?!
- Is Multi-Tasking Good for your Brain?
- Habit Stacking
- Are you ready for a high-intensity workout? Because that's what snow shovelling is.
- The Trap of "I Don't Feel Any Different"
- Grip Strength
- Strong Armour is No Substitute for Regular Maintenance
- Not motivated to work out?
- Back Sprain or Strain: What's the Difference?
- Nobody Wants To Be In Pain
- Visit Nature to Feel Better
- Planning, Planting, Reaping
- Where did the day go?
- Does Improving the Neck Curve Help with Lower Back and Leg Pain?
- High Heeled Shoes
- Sit-Stand Desks
- Tummy Time and Your Baby's Spine
- Brand New Research: The Link Between Forward Head Posture and College Athletic Performance
- What Does "Slipped Disc" Really Mean?
- Forward Head Posture
- A Balanced Spine Means A Healthy Body
- Common Cycling Injuries
- WHO are you calling old?
- Reap What You Sow
- Star Power
- Ice or Heat?
- So How Does Your Chiropractor Know …
- What's Your Balance?
- What are the Atlas and Axis?
- Surviving December
- Engineering Marvels
- Do Posture Braces Really Work?
- Happy Birthday Chiropractic!
- Can Arthritis Improve?
- Do Chiropractors and Spine Surgeons Want the Same Thing for their Patients?
- As The Twig is Bent, So Grows the Tree
- Simple Desk Adjustment to Reduce Neck Pain and Tension
- 4 Health Effects of Forward Head Posture
- Is Degenerative Disc Disease Really a Normal Part of Aging?
- Mixed Messages
- Motivation, A Medal and Some Trees!
- Busy Planning Your Garden?
- Lessons Learned in the Dangerous Decade
- Why Olympians Take Their Chiropractors to the Games
- Chronic Pain and Nutrition
- Be a Double Hatter this Winter
- Cellphones, Other Devices and Your Health
- Chiropractic 101 - A balanced spine means a healthy body
- Back-to-school Backpack Woes
- Making the Most of the Dog Days of Summer
- Your Body's Silent Cry For Water
- Water Sports and Spinal Injuries
- Have You Been Sitting Too Much?
- Those Exercises
- Ignorance Is Not Bliss - Do Not Ignore Symptoms of Disease or Illness
- Don't Overlook The Benefits of Walking
- A Handy Recap of What We Blogged About in 2019
- From sickly senior to fitness magazine cover model
- Surviving the holiday feasting is all about striking the right balance
- Men and mental health: A serious topic that warrants serious discussion
- If you are feeling SAD these days, what can you do to combat it?
- Cardiovascular Fitness Part 2: It all comes down to the right level of intensity
- Cardiovascular Fitness Part 1: It's hard to deny the benefits
- It's time to terminate your excuses for not exercising
- Corticosteroid shots and other things you should work to avoid with age
- You don't have to be an entrepreneur for life to stretch you too thin
- Confused by weight loss and nutrition advice? Just stick with the basics
- Are You Suffering The Effects Of Being A ‘Weekend Warrior?'
- Is Your Spine The ‘Backbone' That It Should Be?
- Sitting Through A Long Flight Can Be Worse Than Snakes On A Plane
- How Well You Will Age is Ultimately Up to You
- How You Feel
- Getting Your Kids Into A Healthy Back-To-School Routine
- Summer Check
- When symptoms return or flare up, stress is often the culprit
- The Physical Implications of Forward Head Tilt
- Why you should treat your spine like a pro
- Your back surgery may not turn out as well as Tiger Woods'
- Chiropractic Care or Not, Yard and Garden Work is Still Painful Work
- From home plate to the Iron Throne
- Could a Change of Habit Free You of The Need to Take Medication?
- Self-Care
- Dealing With Pregnancy Pain
- Our Duty to Be Good Stewards Of Our Bodies
- Healthy Kids Begin With Healthy Families
- Chronic pain does not have to be a life sentence
- How many pills have you taken for a headache this week?
- Sciatica - A Real Pain In The Butt
- It takes a marathon approach, not a sprint, to achieve lasting change
- Suffering From Numbness? The Cause May Rest with Your Spine
- Forward Head Carriage
- Snow Shovelling
- Take care of others by taking care of yourself, first
- Standing around on the job - how you can do your back a favour
- 11 things that make a Chiropractor cringe
- Don't let the silent killer sneak up on you
- It's up to us to be informed about what we put in our bodies
- The cost of doing something, versus the price of doing nothing
- Exercise: The best ‘pill' that you can take
- A pill that treats a symptom is not a cure
- Those information inserts aren't just for making paper airplanes
- Weight gain: It's not your body, it's you, and that's a good thing
- We Can Make a Big Difference - But This Isn't About Magic Bullets
- Why do we feel pain?
- Do you have radiophobia? Here's why you shouldn't
- Fit after 40 - Find what works for you
- An Ounce of Prevention - Because Sometimes There Is No Cure
- Working to Improve Men's Health
- The Safety Pin Cycle
- Life will always happen - be prepared for it
- Is Your Body Stressed Out By Chemicals?
- The Difference Between Static and Dynamic Stretching
- Your Attitude Does Shape Your Reality - And Your Health
- The Health Trifecta: Sleep, Nutrition, Exercise
- What is your why?
- Kids and Chiropractic:
- Why do kids need Chiropractic?
- The trap of "I don't feel any different"
- Why It's Important To Recognize The Limitations Of Matter
- New Year's Resolution
- That common painkiller is a dangerous drug
- Surgery Should Be A Last Resort
- Delay that date with a nursing home - take action now
- Chiropractic care may help your symptoms
- Your Body Is An Amazing Machine
- Flare-Ups
- Investing In Your Health
- Opticians and Optometrists
- Why you shouldn't rely on Dr. Google and self-diagnose
- 4 Signs of Fall
- Post Thanksgiving Challenge
- Healing Takes Time
- Sports Drinks
- Administrative Professionals
- Health vs Wellness
- You Do Burn Calories At Rest
- Moderation
- Hair stylists / estheticians
- The many ways in which we work to torment our spines
- Profession of the Month : High Tech Industry
- Do you know what NNT stands for?
- It's Summertime - When Your Spine Cries Uncle
- Don't Fall for Chiropractic Knock-offs! Your Health is on the Line
- Mobile Blood Donor Clinic on June 20th!
- Car accident? Read this and save yourself 7 years of pain
- The recovering doughnut muncher on hitting the gym
- Life Lessons from an 88-year-old patient
- Health and Fitness Lessons From a Recovering Doughnut Muncher
- The Link Between Your Spine and The Rest of Your Body
- Why you need to get enough sleep
- Losing Things You Love
- Subluxation
- Independence/Mobility
- Get Screened
- Sugar
- First Responders
- Magnets
- Six pack abs: Worth the effort?
- Does this sound familiar:
- Posture: Equal Weight on Feet
- Canada's seniors are becoming addicted to painkillers
- The cost of ‘taking a break' from your spinal care
- Military Families
- Just like your teeth, a healthy spine needs regular maintenance
- Teachers
- Perception really is everything when it comes to pain
- Muscle Spasms and My Neck Curve
- Nutrition Workshop
- Skinny Jeans
- Healthy New Year's Resolutions
- Hockey
- What you read on a drug's label may not be the full story
- Dental Hygienist
- Gift of Health
- Getting back in the swing of things
- Three Things to Watch For
- Flexibility and Mobility
- Three Types of Stress
- Pill Risk
- Torticollis
- Loading Your Vehicle
- Google Doctor
- Young Degeneration
- Dog Walking
- Just because your grandmother had a hump doesn't mean you have to
- Lift right and warm up those muscles
- Sleep Schedule
- Cycling
- Fat Wallet
- Reading Posture
- Romans
- News and Mental Health
- Calories
- Restrictive Diets
- 4 Tips for Nutrition Success
- Evidence
- Medication
- Stretch and Roll Your Way to Better Health
- Addiction
- Motivation
- What I learned about TICK BITES...and what to do about them!
- Little Tweaks To How You Work Can Make a Big Difference
- Even One Medication Can Pose Unwanted Risks To Your Health
- Benefits of Chiropractic For Growing Teenage Bodies
- Listen to your children... what they say may surprise you!
- Failing To Plan Is Planning To Fail
- A pill should be your last resort
- Swimming
- Would Professional Athletes Rely on Chiropractic if it Didn't Work?
- Back Pain Often Really is a Pain in the Neck
- Aging
- Biofreeze
- Living a Healthier Lifestyle Begins in the Kitchen
- Sitting has always been the ‘new smoking'
- Chiropractic for Musicians
- Dislocated Hips
- The Skinny on Sugar
- Carbs and proteins and fats, oh my!
- Your Health & High Heels
- The only cocktails you should enjoy in retirement are served on a beach
- Run like the wind: Why we like sprint training
- Chiropractic Care for Infants
- Making the case for Chiropractic
- Relief for Constipation
- Success Stories
- Heart Health
- Secure Your Meds
- Osteoarthritis
- Is your New Year's Resolution already slipping away?
- Do you have a strong, stable core?
- VIDEO - Pregnancy Low Back Pain Relief
- VIDEO - Acid Reflux
- The ONE thing you can do to get the most from your adjustments
- What do you value? Values and Beliefs Dictate Action
- The Importance of Home Exercises
- 10 tips to making exercise routine and effective
- 10 nutrition tips to be healthier this year
- Winter Safety
- Recommit to your health
- Take time to enJoy
- Don't end 2015 with overindulgence!
- What value do you place on your health?
- Do I need to come forever?
- Sleep apnea and poor neck posture appear to go hand in hand
- Gift of Health
- Cancer and Carbohydrates
- Sleep Positioning
- VIDEO: Herniated Disc Relief
- Does milk really do your body good?
- VIDEO - Low Back Pain Relief
- Sleep Plays a Vital Role in the Immune System
- 3 Questions You Might Have About Your Chiropractic Care
- True Relief From Chronic Back Pain Can't Come From a Bottle
- Age & Posture
- Fall Activities
- You Are What You Eat
- Yes, that cough that lasts for 2 or 3 weeks is normal
- Happy Thanksgiving!
- Your Seat Belt Can Save Your Life, But For A Price
- Tingling & Numbness
- Whiplash: It takes so very little to cause a neck injury
- Knuckle "Cracking": It may be cringe-worthy but it's NOT harmful
- When will my pain go away?
- Those tablets and smartphones are a real pain in kids' necks
- Think twice before you reach for those pain medications
- The Ugly Side of Concussion that is Usually Ignored
- All Those Food Additives Do Have An Impact On Your Health
- Good form in the gym: Your back will thank you
- The Effect of Stress on Digestion
- It can be too late to start a good habit - don't wait!
- Kids and Posture at School
- Don't Let The Hiking Trail Grind You Down
- Water Landings Aren't Always Soft
- How to Undo your Adjustment
- When Contact Sports are a Pain in the Neck
- Finding Your Perfect Pillow
- Protect your spine (and your kids) with the right backpack
- What is Your Pain Telling You?
- Chiropractic for Seniors
- Road Trips
- Have an Active Summer
- Don't Let A Growing Garden Stunt Your Spinal Health
- Flip Flops Are A Bust For Maintaining Spinal Health
- Would You Do Us a Favor and Help Us Serve Our Community More?
- Treat Your Back To These Winning Exercises!
- Why Does Your Kanata Chiropractor Work With Athletes, the "Weekend Warrior", and the Health-Conscious?
- Sitting Is Dangerous Business
- My Top 5 Health & Fitness "Musts" for Winter 2015
- Don't Throw Out Your Back Throwing Snow
- Before You Make Another New Year's Resolution...Read This!
- Whiplash: Winter Driving Really Can Be a Pain in the Neck
- Your Healthy Routine is the Key to Surviving December
- We Love Babies!
- Are Your Child's "Growing Pains" Actually Sciatica?
- Posture Linked to Independence in Elder Years
- 5 Things You Probably Don't Know About Us
- 3rd Annual Kids Day Kanata
- How Do You React When Things Aren't Always Easy?
- The 40 Day Extreme Makeover Challenge is Back!
- Lead by Example - Healthy Lifestyle Tips From Your Kanata Chiropractor
- Kanata Chiropractor Helps You Select the Proper Pillow
- Kanata Chiropractor Helps You Choose the Proper Backpack
- Kanata Fibromyalgia Relief
- Vitalism - Turn Your Power On!
- Low Back Pain Relief - How Chiropractic Care Can Help With Structural Correction
- What is a Doula?
- Are You Looking for Headache Relief?
- What about Splenda (sucralose)?
- Where Have You Succeeded Before?
- Where has all the Passion Gone?
- Is Stress Contributing to Your Symptoms?
- If you share this post, you WILL change someone's life.
- Delicious Vegetarian & Gluten Free Cookies!
- Labelwatch.com
- Coconut Fudge
- Why it's so Important to Keep Your Head on Straight
- What can I do to help with the treatment of my heartburn?
- 10 Dangerous Thoughts About Your Health
- Healthy Fruit Smoothie
- Cholesterol - Did You Know?
- Piano Stairs
- When Did We Start Doubting in Our Body's Ability to Heal?
- Subluxation Degeneration
- Looking for the perfect Christmas gift for that special someone?
- Time Management - A Kanata Chiropractor's Story (Part 1)
- Marion - Real People. Real Stories.
- Almond Butter Pumpkin Brownies
- Cathy's Story
- The Effects of Poor Spinal Alignment/Posture
- Computer Posture Tips From Your Kanata Chiropractors
- Leptin: The "Anti-Starvation" Hormone
- Is Your Banana Really Organic?
- Kanata Chiropractors Can Help With Osteoarthritis
- "Healthy Truffles"
- Buy Organic Food Whenever Possible
- A Little Bit of Chiropractic History
- The Necessity of Having Proper Levels of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
- Natural Pain Relief for Kanata Residents
- Webster Technique
- Elevate Me!
- "Pathways to Family Wellness"
- Local Organic Meat
- Recommended Supplements
- Cosmeticsdatabase.com
- "Extreme Makeover God's Way - 40 Days to a Body by God" by Dr. Ben Lerner
- Diane's Story
- Kim's Story
- The "Big Four"
- Allan's Story